Swing Consulting





We help individuals and organizations articulate their intentions and live them out.




We serve leaders who are experiencing, investigating or initiating change.

We love helping leaders and their teams clarify their intentions and live them out. We act as your advocate, helping you fully engage in planning, leading, and building your team without the need to worry about facilitating an engaging, productive process. You'll be freed up to deeply listen and learn from your team and their perspectives as you are supported in having conversations of consequence.

We help to build your team as we build the plan. Involvement results in high quality decisions, breeds commitment, alignment and success in implementation. 

When change is needed, we can design and implement interventions of many kinds that motivate people to action. These, and other custom-designed services are crafted to meet your unique needs.






Meeting Facilitation

Effective, productive meetings are unfortunately the exception instead of the rule. We are on a mission to change that!

With the help of Swing Consulting, you can get more done in less time and maybe even have some fun doing it. We meticulously plan and facilitate meetings to maximize engagement, listening and thoughtful conversation, leveling the hierarchy, so all can feel safe to be heard.

As a leader it can be difficult to facilitate, listen to others and lead all at the same time. Having a facilitator run a meeting allows the leader to fully engage in the content of the meeting and what your team has to say. Free yourself up to listen well, lead effectively and not worry about the agenda and timing, while remaining neutral enough to allow differing perspectives to emerge.

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Planning Sessions

We can help facilitate a process of planning to fit your needs and your company’s culture.

Whatever the reason motivating the creation of a plan, how you involve the people who will make the plan a reality will make a difference in the quality and in the success of the implementation.

Swing Consulting is experienced at facilitating start-up plans, annual plans, or plans for special circumstances. If you are starting with the creation of a vision and mission statement, or your planning process needs a boost of creativity, we stand ready to assist the forward-looking leader in planning their next adventure.

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Leadership Coaching

If you need a consistent thinking partner with an outside perspective, consider engaging in a coaching relationship.

These powerful relationships often result in increased clarity, focus and confidence that help you to be more successful with whatever you want and need to accomplish.

Sometimes finding just the right words and approach in communicating your message as a leader is the difference between an energetic staff and people becoming disengaged. We can help.


Staff Development

Need help with a staff development plan? We an help match training and development interventions with where you are leading your team.

Energized employees are learners. Feed their need with the skills they need to succeed -- so your team can celebrate your accomplishments together!


Employee Engagement and Culture

If a change in the culture of your organization is needed to achieve your goals, a diagnosis of the current situation, a clear picture of the desired end result, and a plan for change is called for. We can walk through the process with you by interviewing employees, suppliers, customers or any other stakeholders, giving you clear feedback, provide coaching and craft interventions that specifically meet your needs.

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Change Management

Sometime the spreadsheet says you'll be successful, but you know that people-factors are the deciding difference.

We can help you to listen well, build the implementation team as you build the plan and get buy-in for for a new direction, or a reset in your culture.

We know a ways to think thru change and understand the human dynamics in play before you get surprised along the way.


Leader Development

How do those who lead need to be developed to ensure the meeting of your goals in alignment with your vision, mission and values?

Yesterday’s skills may not insure future success. We have existing training programs and will custom design development experiences that help your leaders become more effective at reaching your business objectives.

This is one of your strongest leverage points to assure a strong, unified culture that aligns with your values.

Envisioning Implications

Developed by futurist Joel Barker, the Implications Wheel® is a graphic thinking tool that assists groups in identifying possible future implications of a specific trend, decision, innovation or event. Sharon Swing is a certified facilitator and trainer of this forward-looking process. Plans can be made based on the likelihood and desirability of the possible events, enhancing the likelihood of desirable events and reducing the risk of undesirable events.


"Peter Block says, 'most jobs are too small for the human spirit.' We are passionate about helping people and organizations find ways of doing their work and their lives in a way that captures their imagination and potential while serving the world in meaningful ways."

Sharon Swing
