I’m Sharon Swing.
I help people articulate their intentions and live them out -- both organizations and individuals. I am a curious listener, a possibility-generator, and a change managment and leadership junkie.
The teams I assemble to serve your unique needs share my passion to advocate for leaders building highly engaged teams.
As an Organization Development Consultant and a Certified Executive and Personal Coach to leaders and people in transition, I develop and care for my soul in a way that helps me to be a safe, thoughtful thinking partner for my clients. I care. I can't help it. I care about you, the people you lead and and the organization and customers you serve.
If you care to know my qualifications, here are a few experiences I have had he pleasure and privilege of learning from:
Masters of Science in Oranization Development - Pepperdine University
Bachelor of Science in Communicaiton - University of Illinois
Master Personal & Executive Coach - College of Executive Coaching
Executive Vice President, Strategic Planning and Ministry Development - Willow Creek Association
Executive Director, Vision College - Square D Company
Co-Author of visual life-mapping materials - Listen to My Life
Served a broad spectrum of clients: R&D, Non-Profit, Utility, Education, Manufacturing, Distribution and more

First, we listen.
We’ll start with an honest conversation with you to understand you, your situation, and the results you seek.
We design.
We'll design and suggest ways of going about getting the most out of the time we have with you and/or your team. If we're facilitating meetings, we'll be designing conversations that involve people in the future they weill co-create, increase engagement and reduce resistance to change.
Then, we get it done.
We'll be your partners in implementation, and celebrate with you the successes you experience.